Pres Filters are most old kind of filters. Its one of first designed dewatering equipments and this way its mostly used type of filter. Pres Filters that known by works on many kind of process are kind of load and unload filters. With time, they can be run more practic, more restrained and full automatic with enormous technological developments.
Pres Filters can be designed in three structure as chamber platter, membran platter and mixpack(chamber-membran) arrangement. They also can be produced cake washed, air blowing, closed and opened discharge options, different filtrate discharge options with many kind of type and design.
They can applied every kind of capacity 50mm cake thickness from 15mm cake thickness in sizes 2500mmx2500mm from 400x450mm. High pressure plate opening system can be added to filters as optional other than full automatic and automatic plate opening system which exists in filters that plate more than 25.
Pres Filters which produced with high technology and PLC controlled are designed to provide fast charge time, higher efficieny and lower cake humidity with special design.